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Spring clean your running kit

Many of us give our homes a spring clean but have you ever thought about doing the same for your running kit?

Now is a great time to organise, declutter and deep clean your running gear ready for race season.

Going through what you have already will help you make more sustainable choices going forward, realising what you have, what you might need and that with a bit of TLC there can still be life left in your current kit.


Get all your running kit and gear together and sort it into piles. Look at what you’re going to keep, what you no longer use and can donate, and what you can revive with a bit of a spruce up. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or that’s broken and can’t be fixed, as it will only bulk out your space making the items you do use harder to find.


Once you’ve worked out what you’re going to keep hold of, organise it with other like items – tights, tops, socks, accessories, etc – so they’re easy to find and you know what you have. It’s a good idea to put smaller items like buffs, headbands, gadgets and charging cables into a special box or container to prevent them from getting scattered or lost. It will stop you from overbuying and save you time searching for things, which can instead be spent out running.


Looking after your kit is the best way to ensure its longevity and repairing is a lot cheaper than replacing.

  • Shoes: Rinse any mud and grime off your running shoes or wipe them with a wet brush or cloth. Avoid putting shoes in the washing machine as this can leave them misshapen or degrade some of the materials it’s made from. When you’re looking to dry them, don’t put shoes on the radiator as this can be too hot and cause the glue holding the sole to the upper to melt. Instead pack shoes with scrunched newspaper and pop them in a warm spot in the house.
  • Running pack: These can get very sweaty on your runs so it’s important to rinse them after heavy use with warm water – and a little detergent if needed. Wiping it down regularly will help keep it in good condition and ensure its compartments and zips keep working.
  • Flasks and bottles: Water flasks and bottles can get very dirty but a lot of them can be dismantled and cleaned thoroughly. Do this as soon as you can to avoid bacteria build up. Leave to dry upside down and when not in use store in the freezer to prevent mould developing.
  • Garments: If your kit is well worn and starting to smell – event after a cycle in the washing machine, try soaking in a specialist detergent in some white vinegar and baking soda before washing again. This will help remove smells and bacterial build up, leaving them smelling fresher for longer.
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