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Volunteer with the Extra Milers at the Ogi Porthcawl 10K

Entries are now sold out to the 2024 Ogi Porthcawl 10K – but it’s not too late to get involved and soak up the race day atmosphere.

Thousands of runners will turn out for the event on Sunday 7 July to experience a fun route through the town along closed roads, completed with a seaside finish on the Esplanade. This is the third race of the year in the R4W 10K Series offering a chance to run four 10Ks in four unique locations throughout the year.  

As usual the Extra Miler event volunteer team will be supporting runners in a variety of roles on the day. It’s not too late to get involved – we’re looking for over 150 volunteers to take part! Check out the volunteer opportunities on our website and come along and join in the fun. 

Every Run 4 Wales event is made possible by our fantastic volunteers, visible along the course and at the start-finish line in their sky-blue Extra Miler t-shirts. We’re so grateful to each and every one of them for giving up their time (especially on a Sunday!) to support the runners, spectators and the event.

“The Extra Miler volunteers were all amazing. Everyone had a big smile on their face and at times when the race was challenging they were always there to encourage you forward” Porthcawl 10K 2023 runner  

Volunteers can choose their event day role and we’re still looking for support along the route as Course Marshals or in the Event Village at the Runners Bag Drop. With over 5,000 runners signed up to take part, we also need a large team on the finish line to congratulate them and give out medals, t-shirts and water after the race.  

Course Marshals provide vital support along the race route. Not only are they essential in cheering on and motivating runners but they also need to be on hand to offer assistance to those who need it. No experience is necessary (just lots of enthusiasm!) as we’ll provide a full event day briefing and information. Small teams look after different sectors of the course, with the support of an experienced Run 4 Wales team leader.

The Bag Drop team will be based in a marquee on The Portway, near the start line, looking after runners’ bags while they are out on the course.  Cath, who has been volunteering in the R4W Bag Drop team for several years said: “It’s a vital but sometimes unseen part of the event. You get a chance to talk to the runners before and after their run and even get to know some of the regulars.”

The Porthcawl Rangers, part of Girl Guiding Cymru, will be volunteering again in the Bag Drop having enjoyed it so much in 2023 and we’re looking for more volunteers to join the team to ensure runners can drop off their bags quickly without lengthy queues.  

“The event was such a positive enjoyable experience for me. Volunteers are generously provided for and valued. I felt proud wearing the Extra Milers T-shirt” Barry Island 10K 2023 Extra Miler 

If you’re participating in the event as a runner, look out for the mid-way water station, located at the Hi Tide Inn. The Extra Milers will be here as well ready to rehydrate runners and give them a cheer, supported by the Bridgend Explorers and the Bridgend Police Youth Volunteers – both regular R4W group volunteers. Are you part of a community or young persons group? Groups are welcome to get involved at all Run 4 Wales events. Email our friendly volunteer team for more information:

As usual, there will be Extra Milers volunteering as pacers to help runners achieve their desired race times. Will, Gab and Victor will be running 45 minutes; Chris, Claire, Ben and Darran will be wearing the 60 minute flag; and Stuart, Andrew and Myfanwy will be crossing the finish line at 75 minutes. Supporting competitors at the back of the race will be our regular volunteer team comprising Carolyn, Avi and Gareth who have volunteered at nearly every 2023 and 2024 event and by now are experienced and enthusiastic back markers. 

“The whole day was excellent. Really well organised instructions prior to the event made everything really clear. There was a good supervisor at my location and I felt equipped with everything I needed for my volunteer role” ABP Newport Marathon Festival 2024 Extra Miler  

Extra Milers all receive an event t-shirt and bag, as well as free parking, a lunch pack, snacks and drinks. R4W also gifts Tempo Time Credits to all volunteers (a national volunteer reward scheme). A detailed Event Information Sheet is sent out before the event, with lots of information about what to expect on event day, where to park and who to meet on arrival. All volunteer teams are supported and looked after by experienced Run 4 Wales supervisors and our Volunteer Co-ordinators.   

At every event we invite volunteers to take part in the Extra Miler photo competition. The best event day photos will win a choice of either a free Run 4 Wales race entry or a shopping gift voucher.    

You can also email our friendly volunteer team, led by Volunteer Coordinator Tor: and don’t forget to have a look at our socials Facebook and X where you find photos and videos of the Extra Milers from past events.

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